The results above show the percent of primary PM2.5 from different sources during the winter and were obtained by the statistical analysis of the composition of PM2.5 collected in the Salt Lake airshed. This project grew from collaboration between the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ), the U.S. EPA, and the University of Utah. Kerry Kelly and Professor Silcox from the Department of Chemical Engineering conducted the study. The yellow bars show percentages based on inventory values from DAQ. The red and blue bars represent percentages based on statistical analysis. The analysis shows a higher than expected contribution of wood smoke and cooking fumes.
Source: Kelly, K.E., R. Kotchenruther, R. Kuprov, G.D. Silcox, “Receptor model source attributions for Utah’s Salt Lake City airshed and the impacts of wintertime secondary ammonium nitrate and ammonium chloride aerosol,” Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 63 (5) 575-590, 2013.