Faculty Profile
Jules Magda
Curriculum Vitae -
3228 MEB -
https://scholar.google.com/citations?... -
magda@chemeng.utah.edu -
Research Interests
Biosensors for Medicine and for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Biosensors for medicine and for pharmaceutical manufacturing
Glucose Sensors for Diabetes Treatment
Glucose sensors for diabetes treatment
Hyaluronic Acid Arthritis Treatments
Hyaluronic acid arthritis treatments
Hydrogel-based Smart Materials
Hydrogel-based smart materials
Methane Hydrates
Methane hydrates
Oil Pipeline Flow Assurance
Oil pipeline flow assurance
Awards & Honors
- Student Evaluation Teaching Award - ChEN 6853 Thermodynamics Placed in Top 15% of Fall 2013 Courses, College of Engineering 09/2013
- Winner of the Faculty Division, University of Utah Homecoming 5K Race, University of Utah Alumni Association 09/2012
- Dean's Letter - Top 15% in Teaching, College of Engineering 12/2010
- Dean's letter - top 15% in teaching, College of Engineering 05/2010
- Dean's Letter - Top 15% Teaching, College of Engineering 05/2008
Haidong Feng & Dhruv Patel, Jules J. Magda, Sage Geher, Paul A. Sigala, and Bruce K. Gale (2022). Multiple-Streams Focusing-Based Cell Separation in High Viscoelasticity Flow. ACS Omega. Vol. 45, 41759-41767. Published, 11/01/2022
Ahmed, Benozir & Christopher F. Reiche, Florian Solzbacher, Jules Magda, and Julia Körner (2022). Physics-based circuit modeling of the impedance characteristics of a smart hydrogel-actuated bending sensor. Sensors & Actuators A. Vol. 347, 113954. Published, 11/01/2022
Wojtalewicz, Susan & Jonathon Vizmeg, Sierra Erickson, Caleb Lade, Jill Shea, Himanshu Sant, Jules Magda, Bruce Gale, Jayant Agarwal, and Brett Davis (2022). Evaluating the influence of particle morphology and density on the viscosity and injectability of a novel long-acting local anesthetic suspension. Journal of Biomaterials Applications. Vol. 37, 724-736. Published, 10/01/2022
Rückmann, Klaudia & Guannan Mu, Jules J. Magda, Florian Solzbacher, Christopher F. Reiche, and Julia Körner (2022). A reliable and easy-to-implement optical characterization method for dynamic and static properties of smart hydrogels. Polymer. Vol. 246, 124713. Published, 04/19/2022
Feng, Haidong & Alexander R. Jafek, Bonan Wang, Hayden Brady, Jules J. Magda, and Bruce K. Gale (2022). Viscoelastic particle focusing and separation in a spiral channel. Micromachines. Vol. 13, 361. Published, 02/25/2022
T. Tasmin & M.D. Adkins, T. Lim, H.Feng, J.J. Magda, J.E. Shea, J. Agarwal, C.M. Furse, H. Zhang (2021). Thermally tunable hydrogel crosslinking mediated by temperature sensitive liposome. Biomedical Materials. Vol. 16, 065026. Published, 10/15/2021
N. Farhoudi & L.B. Laurentius, J.J. Magda, C.F. Reiche, F. Solzbacher (2021). In Vivo Monitoring of Glucose Using Ultrasound-Induced Resonance in Implantable Smart Hydrogel Microstructures. ACS Sensors. Vol. 6, 3587-3595. Published, 04/11/2021
N. Farhoudi & J.J. Magda, F. Solzbacher, C.F. Reiche (2020). Fabrication Process for Free-Standing Smart Hydrogel Pillars for Sensing Applications. 2020 IEEE Sensors. 1-4. Published, 12/03/2020
N. Farhoudi & H.-Y. Leu, L.B. Laurentius, J. J. Magda, F.Solzbacher, C. F. Reiche (2020). Smart Hydrogel Micromechanical Resonators with Ultrasound Readout for Biomedical Sensing. ACS Sensors. Vol. 5, 1882-1889. Published, 06/17/2020
Y. Wang & J. Magda, R. Venkatesan, K. Sambathi, M. Deo (2020). Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Waxy Crude Oil in Steady and Transient Pipe Flows. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 59, 13783-13798. Published, 04/27/2020
H. Feng & J.J. Magda, B.K. Gale (2019). Viscoelastic second normal stress difference dominated multiple-stream particle focusing in microfluidic channels. Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 115, doi:10.1063/1-5129281. Published, 12/23/2019
Y. Wang & J. Magda, R. Venkatesan, M. Deo (2019). Effect of Emulsified Water on Gelled Pipeline Restart of Model Waxy Crude Oil Cold Flows. Energy & Fuels. Vol. 33, 10756-10764. Published, 10/18/2019
T. Nguyen & P. Tathireddy, J.J. Magda (2019). Continuous Hydrogel-Based Glucose Sensors with Reduced pH Interference and Contact–Free Signal Transduction. IEEE Sensors Journal. Vol. 19, 2330-2337. Published, 03/15/2019
S. Dolai & H.-Y. Leu, J. Magda, M. Tabib-Azar (2019). Bio-Mimetic synthetic cell hydrogel magnetometer. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics. Vol. 14, 026003. Published, 01/23/2019
S. Dolai & H.-Y. Leu, J. Magda, M. Tabib-Azar (2018). Metal-Oxide-Hydrogel Field-Effect Sensor. IEE Xplore. Published, 12/01/2018
H.-Y. Leu & N. Farhoudi, C.F. Reiche, J. Koerner, S. Mohanty, F. Solzbacher, J. Magda (2018). Low-Cost Microfluidic Sensors with Smart Hydrogel Patterned Arrays Using Electronic Resistive Channel Sensing Readout. Gels. Vol. 4, 84-90. Published, 10/19/2018
O.C. Fawole & S. Dolai, H.-Y. Leu, J. Magda, M. Tabib-Azar (2018). Remote microwave and field-effect sensing techniques for monitoring hydrogel sensor response. Micromachines. Vol. 9, 526-541. Published, 10/17/2018
S. Dolai & H.-Y. Leu, J. Magda, M. Tabib-Azar (2018). Hydrogel Gold Nanoparticle Switch. IEEE Electron Device Letters. Vol. 39, 1421-1424. Published, 07/25/2018
Julia Koerner & C.F. Reiche, H.-Y. Leu, J. Magda, F. Solzbacher (2018). Fast-Reacting Smart Hydrogel-Based Sensor Platform for Biomedical Applications. TechConnect Briefs. Published, 06/01/2018
T. Nguyen & J.J. Magda, P. Tathireddy (2018). Manipulation of the Isoelectric Point of Polyampholytic Smart Hydrogels in Order to Increase the Range and Selectivity of Continuous Glucose Sensors . Sensors and Actuators B: Chemistry. Vol. 255, 1057-1063. Published, 02/01/2018
T. Nguyen, S. Cho, V. Bhola, S. Ko, R. Sharma, J. Magda, P. Tathireddy, "Sensor-Array for Continuous Monitoring of Biochemicals for Bioprocess Control", 2015 Transducers - 2015 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems, TRANSDUCERS 2015 5 Aug 2015, Article number 7181267, pages 1684-1687. Published, 08/05/2015
J. Kim, K. Nam, S. Jung, J.J. Magda, I.S. Han, "A Simple Method for Determining the Osmolarity of Aqueous Solutions Using Visibly-Colored Hydrogels: An Undergraduate Chemistry Experiment", Chem Educator 20, 95-98 (2015). Published, 04/01/2015
Siripong Peerapornlerd, Skyler Edvik, Ana Paula Martins Leandro, Ryan Hinckley, Milind D Deo, Ramachandran Venkatesan, Jules J Magda, "The Effect of the Flow Shutdown Temperature on the Gelation of Slurry Flows in a Waxy Oil Pipeline", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54, 4455-4459 (2015). Published, 02/02/2015
J. Bates, J. Magda, "pH-responsive hydrogels and their applications in chemomechanical sensors", ScienceJet 4, 128/1-128/9 (2015). Published, 01/15/2015
J. Bates, J.J. Magda, "Time Interval and Continuous Testing of Stimuli Responsive Hydrogels", Materials Research Society Online Proceedings Library 1622, 1-7 (2014). Published, 01/2014
S.H. Cho, J.J. Magda, P. Tathireddy, L.W, Rieth, "Effect of Chemical Composition on the Response of Zwitterionic Glucose Sensitive Hydrogels Studied by Design of Experiments (DOE)", J. Applied Polymer Science 131, 8413-8419 (2014). Published, 01/2014
J. Magda, S.H. Cho, S. Streitmatter, T. Jevremovic, "Effects of Gamma Rays and Neutron Irradiation on the Glucose Response of Boronic Acid-Containing 'Smart' Hydrogels", Polymer Degradation & Stability 99,219-222 (2014). Published, 01/2014
J. Bates, P. Tathireddy, S. Buetefisch, J. Magda, "An Improved Design for Chemomechanical Sensors: A Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor with a Mechanical Boss", Chemosensors 1, 33-42 (2013). Published, 10/2013
J. Bates, S.H. Cho, P. Tathireddy, L.W. Rieth, J.J. Magda, "Smart Hydrogels Designed for Use in Microfabricated Sensor Arrays", Materials Research Society Online Proceedings Library, 1570, opl. 2013.726/1 to 2013.726/6 (2013). Published, 05/2013
"Heterogeneous Organic Gels: Rheology and Restart", M.R. Jemmett, J.J. Magda, M.D. Deo, Energy & Fuels 27,1762-1771 (2013). Published, 01/2013
"Evolution of the Pressure Profile During the Gelation and Restart of a Model Waxy Crude Oil", J.J. Magda, A. Elmadhoun, P. Wall, M. Jemmett, M.D. Deo, K.L. Greenhill, R. Venkatesan, Energy & Fuels 27, 1909-1913 (2013). Published, 01/2013
"Smart hydrogel-based biochemical microsensor array for medical diagnostics", M. Guenther, G. Gerlach, T. Wallmersperger, M.N. Avula, S.H. Cho, X, Xie, B.V. Devener, F. Solzbacher, P. Tathireddy, J.J. Magda, Adv Sci & Tech. 85, 47-52( 2013). Published, 01/2013
"Effect of temperature changes on the performance of ionic strengthy biosensors based on hydrogels and pressure sensors", M. Avula, N Busche, S.H. Cho, P. Tathireddy, L.W. Rieth, J.J. Magda, F. Solzbacher, IEEE Eng in Medicine and Biology Society, 2011 Conference, 1855-1858. Published, 01/2012
"The propagation of pressure in a gelled waxy oil pipeline as studied by particle imaging velocimetry", H. El-Gendy, M. Alcoutlabi, M. Jemmett, M. Deo, J. Magda, R. Venkatesan, A. Montesi, AIChE Journal 58,302-311(2012). Published, 01/2012
"Thermodynamic Analysis of the Selectivity Enhancement Obtained by Using Smart Hydrogels That Are Zwitterionic When Detecting Glucose With Boronic Acid Moieties", F. Horkay, S.H. Cho, P. Tathireddy, L. Rieth, F. Solzbacher, J. Magda, Sensors & Actuators B 160, 1363-1371 (2011). Published, 11/09/2011
"Implantable biosensor arrays based on smart hydrogels and pie,zoresistive sensors for continuous metabolic monitoring", M. Avula, P. Tathireddy, S. Cho, L. Rieth, J.J. Magda, F. Solzbacher, Procedia Engineering 25, 1008-1011 (2011). Published, 10/2011
"Fabrication of highly uniform nanoparticles from recombinant silk-elastinlike protein polymers for therapeutic agent delivery",R. Anumolu, J. Gustafson, J. Magda, J. Cappello, H. Ghandehari, L. Pease III, ACS Nano, 5 (7), 5374-5382 (2011). Published, 09/2011
"Polypeptide grafted hyaluronan: A self-assembling comb-branched polymer constructed from biological components", M.A. Kandadai, R. Anumolu, X. Wang, D. Baskaran, L.F. Pease III, D. Bedrov, G.D. Smith, J.J. Magda, European Polymer Journal 47(10), 2022-2027 (2011). Published, 09/2011
"The Effect of Hydrogen Bonding on Oligoleucine Structure in Water: A Molecular Dynamics Study", B. Hanson, D. Bedrov, J.J. Magda, G.D. Smith, European Polymer Journal 46, 2310-2320 (2010). Published, 12/2010
"Smart hydrogel sensing platform for continuous glucose monitoring", P. Tathireddy, M. Avula, G. Lin, S.H. Cho, M. Guenther, V. Schulz, J. Magda, F. Solzbacher, 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Art. no. 5626231, pp. 677-679. Published, 11/2010
"Hydrogel-based piezoresistive biochemical microsensors", M. Guenther, V. Schulz, G. Gerlach, T. Wallmersperger, F. Solzbacher, J.J. Magda, P. Tathireddy, M.P. Orthner, 2010 Proceedings of SPIE- The International Society for Optical Engineering, art. no. 764227. Published, 09/2010
"Comparison of surfactants used to prepare aqueous perfluoropentane emulsions for pharmaceutical applications", M. Kandadai, P. Mohan, G. Lin, A. Butterfield, M. Skliar, J.J. Magda, Langmuir 26, 4655- 4660 (2010). Published, 07/2010
“A COMPARISON OF FLUOROALKYL-DERIVATIZED IMIDAZOLIUM: TFSI AND ALKYL-DERIVATIZED IMIDAZOLIUM: TFSI IONIC LIQUIDS” A MOLECULAR DYNAMICS STUDY”, G.D. Smith, O. Borodin, J.J. Magda, R.H. Boyd, Y. Wang, J.E. Bara, S. Miller, D.L. Gin, R.D. Noble, Phys Chemistry Chemical Phys 12, 7064-7076 (2010). Published, 05/2010
“STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND OSMOTIC PROPERTIES OF INJECTABLE HYALURONAN-BASED COMPOSITE HYDROGELS”, F. Horkay, J. Magda, M. Alcoutlabi, S. Atzet, T. Zarembinski, Polymer 51, 4424-4430 (2010). Published, 04/2010
"Piezoresistive pH Microsensors Based on Stimuli-Sensitive Polyelectrolyte Hydrogels", V. Schulz, G. Gerlach, M. Guenther, J.J. Magda, F. Solzbacher, Technisches Messen 77, 179-186 (2010). Published, 03/2010
“DEVELOPMENT, FABRICATION, AND CHARACTERIZATION OF HYDROGEL BASED PIEZORESISTIVE PRESSURE SENSORS WITH PERFORATED DIAPHRAGMS”, M.P. Orthner, S. Buetefisch, J. Magda, L.W. Rieth, F. Solzbacher, Sensors & Actuators A, Physical, 161, 29-38 (2010). Published, 02/2010
"Hydrogel Based Sensor Arrays (2 x 2) with Perforated Piezoresistive Diaphragms for Metabolic Monitoring (in vitro)", M.P. Orthner, G. Lin, M. Avula, S. Buetefisch, J. Magda, L.W. Rieth, F. Solzbacher, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 145, 807-816 (2010). Published, 02/2010
"Osmotic swelling response of smart hydrogels suitable for chronically implantable glucose sensors", G. Lin, S. Chang, H. Hao, P. Tathireddy, M. Orthner, J. Magda, F. Solzbacher Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 144, 332-336 (2010). Published, 01/2010
K. Oh, J. Magda, M. Deo, "Yield Stress of Wax Gel Using Vane Method", Petroleum Science and Technology 27, 2063-2073 (2009). Published, 08/2009
G. Lin, S. Chang, C.-H. Kuo, J. Magda, F. Solzbacher, "Free swelling and confined smart hydrogels for applications in chemomechanical sensors for physiological monitoring", Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 136, 186-195 (2009). Published, 08/2009
J.J. Magda, H. El-Gendy, K. Oh, M.D. Deo, A. Montesi, R. Venkatesan, "Time-dependent rheology of a model waxy crude oil with relevance to gelled pipeline restart", Energy & Fuels 23, 1311-1315 (2009). Published, 05/2009
M. Alcoutlabi, S.G. Baek, J.J. Magda, X. Shi, S.A. Hutcheson, G.B. McKenna, "A comparison of three different methods of measuring both normal stress differences of viscoelastic liquids in torsional rheometers", Rheologica Acta 48, 191-200 (2009). Published, 03/2009
J.L. Vanderhooft, M. Alcoutlabi, J.J. Magda, G.D. Prestwich, "Rheological Properties of Cross-linked Hyaluronan-Gelatin Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering", Macromolecular Bioscience 9, 20-28 (2009). Published, 02/2009
J. Bates (date unknown). J. Bates, J. Magda, "pH-responsive hydrogels and their applications in chemomechanical sensors", ScienceJet 4, 128/1-128/9 (2015). Accepted,
T. Nguyen (date unknown). Continuous Hydrogel-Based Glucose Sensors with Reduced pH Interference and Contact–Free Signal Transduction. IEEE Sensors Journal. Vol. 19, 2330-2337. Accepted,
(date unknown). "Piezoresistive pH Microsensors Based on Stimuli-Sensitive Polyelectrolyte Hydrogels", V. Schulz, G. Gerlach, M. Guenther, J.J. Magda, F. Solzbacher, Technisches Messen 77, 179-186 (2010). Accepted,
(date unknown). M. Alcoutlabi, S.G. Baek, J.J. Magda, X. Shi, S.A. Hutcheson, G.B. McKenna, "A comparison of three different methods of measuring both normal stress differences of viscoelastic liquids in torsional rheometers", Rheologica Acta 48, 191-200 (2009). Accepted,
S. Peerapornlerd (date unknown). Siripong Peerapornlerd, Skyler Edvik, Ana Paula Martins Leandro, Ryan Hinckley, Milind D Deo, Ramachandran Venkatesan, Jules J Magda, "The Effect of the Flow Shutdown Temperature on the Gelation of Slurry Flows in a Waxy Oil Pipeline", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54, 4455-4459 (2015). Accepted,
T. Nguyen (date unknown). Manipulation of the Isoelectric Point of Polyampholytic Smart Hydrogels in Order to Increase the Range and Selectivity of Continuous Glucose Sensors. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemistry. Vol. 255, 1057-1063. Accepted,
(date unknown). "Hydrogel Based Sensor Arrays (2 x 2) with Perforated Piezoresistive Diaphragms for Metabolic Monitoring (in vitro)", M.P. Orthner, G. Lin, M. Avula, S. Buetefisch, J. Magda, L.W. Rieth, F. Solzbacher, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 145, 807-816 (2010). Accepted,
(date unknown). “DEVELOPMENT, FABRICATION, AND CHARACTERIZATION OF HYDROGEL BASED PIEZORESISTIVE PRESSURE SENSORS WITH PERFORATED DIAPHRAGMS”, M.P. Orthner, S. Buetefisch, J. Magda, L.W. Rieth, F. Solzbacher, Sensors & Actuators A, Physical, 161, 29-38 (2010). Accepted,
(date unknown). J.L. Vanderhooft, M. Alcoutlabi, J.J. Magda, G.D. Prestwich, "Rheological Properties of Cross-linked Hyaluronan-Gelatin Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering", Macromolecular Bioscience 9, 20-28 (2009). Accepted,
S. Dolai (date unknown). Bio-Mimetic synthetic cell hydrogel magnetometer. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics. Vol. 14, 026003. Accepted,
S.H. Cho (date unknown). S.H. Cho, J.J. Magda, P. Tathireddy, L.W, Rieth, "Effect of Chemical Composition on the Response of Zwitterionic Glucose Sensitive Hydrogels Studied by Design of Experiments (DOE)", J. Applied Polymer Science 131, 8413-8419 (2014). Accepted,
J. Magda (date unknown). J. Magda, S.H. Cho, S. Streitmatter, T. Jevremovic, "Effects of Gamma Rays and Neutron Irradiation on the Glucose Response of Boronic Acid-Containing 'Smart' Hydrogels", Polymer Degradation & Stability 99,219-222 (2014). Accepted,
M.R. Jemmett (date unknown). "Heterogeneous Organic Gels: Rheology and Restart", M.R. Jemmett, J.J. Magda, M.D. Deo, Energy & Fuels 27,1762-1771 (2013). Accepted,
M. Guenther (date unknown). "Smart hydrogel-based biochemical microsensor array for medical diagnostics", M. Guenther, G. Gerlach, T. Wallmersperger, M.N. Avula, S.H. Cho, X, Xie, B.V. Devener, F. Solzbacher, P. Tathireddy, J.J. Magda, Adv Sci & Tech. 85, 47-52( 2013). Accepted,
JulesJ. Magda (date unknown). "Evolution of the Pressure Profile During the Gelation and Restart of a Model Waxy Crude Oil", J.J. Magda, A. Elmadhoun, P. Wall, M. Jemmett, M.D. Deo, K.L. Greenhill, R. Venkatesan, Energy & Fuels 27, 1909-1913 (2013). Accepted,
H. El-Gendy (date unknown). "The propagation of pressure in a gelled waxy oil pipeline as studied by particle imaging velocimetry", H. El-Gendy, M. Alcoutlabi, M. Jemmett, M. Deo, J. Magda, R. Venkatesan, A. Montesi, AIChE Journal 58,302-311(2012). Accepted,
(date unknown). "Osmotic swelling response of smart hydrogels suitable for chronically implantable glucose sensors", G. Lin, S. Chang, H. Hao, P. Tathireddy, M. Orthner, J. Magda, F. Solzbacher Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 144, 332-336 (2010). Accepted,
(date unknown). "Smart hydrogel sensing platform for continuous glucose monitoring", P. Tathireddy, M. Avula, G. Lin, S.H. Cho, M. Guenther, V. Schulz, J. Magda, F. Solzbacher, 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Art. no. 5626231, pp. 677-679. Accepted,
J. Kim, K. Nam, S. Jung, J.J. Magda, I.S. Han (date unknown). J. Kim, K. Nam, S. Jung, J.J. Magda, I.S. Han, "A Simple Method for Determining the Osmolarity of Aqueous Solutions Using Visibly-Colored Hydrogels: An Undergraduate Chemistry Experiment", Chem Educator 20, 95-98 (2015). Accepted,
(date unknown). "Hydrogel-based piezoresistive biochemical microsensors", M. Guenther, V. Schulz, G. Gerlach, T. Wallmersperger, F. Solzbacher, J.J. Magda, P. Tathireddy, M.P. Orthner, 2010 Proceedings of SPIE- The International Society for Optical Engineering, art. no. 764227. Accepted,
(date unknown). "In-vitro investigations of a pH- and ionic-strength-responsive polyelectric hydrogel using a piezoresistive microsensor", V. Schulz, M. Guenther, G. Gerlach, J.J. Magda, P. Tathireddy, L. Rieth, F. Solzbacher, Proceedings of SPIE, International Society for Optical Engineering 7287, art. no. 728712. Accepted,
(date unknown). “STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL AND OSMOTIC PROPERTIES OF INJECTABLE HYALURONAN-BASED COMPOSITE HYDROGELS”, F. Horkay, J. Magda, M. Alcoutlabi, S. Atzet, T. Zarembinski, Polymer 51, 4424-4430 (2010). Accepted,
M. Avula (date unknown). "Effect of temperature changes on the performance of ionic strengthy biosensors based on hydrogels and pressure sensors", M. Avula, N Busche, S.H. Cho, P. Tathireddy, L.W. Rieth, J.J. Magda, F. Solzbacher, IEEE Eng in Medicine and Biology Society, 2011 Conference, 1855-1858. Accepted,
N. Farhoudi (date unknown). In Vivo Monitoring of Glucose Using Ultrasound-Induced Resonance in Implantable Smart Hydrogel Microstructures. ACS Sensors. Vol. 6, 3587-3595. Accepted,
Y. Wang (date unknown). Effect of Emulsified Water on Gelled Pipeline Restart of Model Waxy Crude Oil Cold Flows. Energy & Fuels. Vol. 33, 10756-10764. Accepted,
N. Farhoudi (date unknown). Fabrication Process for Free-Standing Smart Hydrogel Pillars for Sensing Applications. (pp. 1-4). 2020 IEEE Sensors. Accepted,
S. Dolai (date unknown). Metal-Oxide-Hydrogel Field-Effect Sensor. IEE Xplore. Accepted,
M. Avula (date unknown). "Implantable biosensor arrays based on smart hydrogels and pie,zoresistive sensors for continuous metabolic monitoring", M. Avula, P. Tathireddy, S. Cho, L. Rieth, J.J. Magda, F. Solzbacher, Procedia Engineering 25, 1008-1011 (2011). Accepted,
Julia Koerner (date unknown). Fast-Reacting Smart Hydrogel-Based Sensor Platform for Biomedical Applications. TechConnect Briefs. Accepted,
J. Bates (date unknown). J. Bates, S.H. Cho, P. Tathireddy, L.W. Rieth, J.J. Magda, "Smart Hydrogels Designed for Use in Microfabricated Sensor Arrays", Materials Research Society Online Proceedings Library, 1570, opl. 2013.726/1 to 2013.726/6 (2013). Accepted,
J. Bates (date unknown). J. Bates, J.J. Magda, "Time Interval and Continuous Testing of Stimuli Responsive Hydrogels", Materials Research Society Online Proceedings Library 1622, 1-7 (2014). Accepted,
H. Feng (date unknown). Viscoelastic second normal stress difference dominated multiple-stream particle focusing in microfluidic channels. Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 115, doi:10.1063/1-5129281. Accepted,
(date unknown). "The Effect of Hydrogen Bonding on Oligoleucine Structure in Water: A Molecular Dynamics Study", B. Hanson, D. Bedrov, J.J. Magda, G.D. Smith, European Polymer Journal 46, 2310-2320 (2010). Accepted,
F. Horkay (date unknown). "Thermodynamic Analysis of the Selectivity Enhancement Obtained by Using Smart Hydrogels That Are Zwitterionic When Detecting Glucose With Boronic Acid Moieties", F. Horkay, S.H. Cho, P. Tathireddy, L. Rieth, F. Solzbacher, J. Magda, Sensors & Actuators B 160, 1363-1371 (2011). Accepted,
N. Farhoudi (date unknown). Fabrication Process for Free-Standing Smart Hydrogel Pillars for Sensing Applications. 2020 IEEE Sensors. 1-4. Accepted,
H.-Y. Leu (date unknown). Low-Cost Microfluidic Sensors with Smart Hydrogel Patterned Arrays Using Electronic Resistive Channel Sensing Readout. Gels. Vol. 4, 84-90. Accepted,
O.C. Fawole (date unknown). Remote microwave and field-effect sensing techniques for monitoring hydrogel sensor response. Micromachines. Vol. 9, 526-541. Accepted,
Y. Wang (date unknown). Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Waxy Crude Oil in Steady and Transient Pipe Flows. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 59, 13783-13798. Accepted,
T. Tasmin (date unknown). Thermally tunable hydrogel crosslinking mediated by temperature sensitive liposome. Biomedical Materials. Vol. 16, 065026. Accepted,
J.Bates (date unknown). J. Bates, P. Tathireddy, S. Buetefisch, J. Magda, "An Improved Design for Chemomechanical Sensors: A Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor with a Mechanical Boss", Chemosensors 1, 33-42 (2013). Accepted,
R. Anumolu (date unknown). "Fabrication of highly uniform nanoparticles from recombinant silk-elastinlike protein polymers for therapeutic agent delivery",R. Anumolu, J. Gustafson, J. Magda, J. Cappello, H. Ghandehari, L. Pease III, ACS Nano, 5 (7), 5374-5382 (2011). Accepted,
M.A. Kandadai (date unknown). "Polypeptide grafted hyaluronan: A self-assembling comb-branched polymer constructed from biological components", M.A. Kandadai, R. Anumolu, X. Wang, D. Baskaran, L.F. Pease III, D. Bedrov, G.D. Smith, J.J. Magda, European Polymer Journal 47(10), 2022-2027 (2011). Accepted,
(date unknown). K. Oh, J. Magda, M. Deo, "Yield Stress of Wax Gel Using Vane Method", Petroleum Science and Technology 27, 2063-2073 (2009). Accepted,
(date unknown). G. Lin, S. Chang, C.-H. Kuo, J. Magda, F. Solzbacher, "Free swelling and confined smart hydrogels for applications in chemomechanical sensors for physiological monitoring", Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 136, 186-195 (2009). Accepted,
S. Dolai (date unknown). Hydrogel Gold Nanoparticle Switch. IEEE Electron Device Letters. Vol. 39, 1421-1424. Accepted,
(date unknown). "Comparison of surfactants used to prepare aqueous perfluoropentane emulsions for pharmaceutical applications", M. Kandadai, P. Mohan, G. Lin, A. Butterfield, M. Skliar, J.J. Magda, Langmuir 26, 4655- 4660 (2010). Accepted,
N. Farhoudi (date unknown). Smart Hydrogel Micromechanical Resonators with Ultrasound Readout for Biomedical Sensing. ACS Sensors. Vol. 5, 1882-1889. Accepted,
(date unknown). “A COMPARISON OF FLUOROALKYL-DERIVATIZED IMIDAZOLIUM: TFSI AND ALKYL-DERIVATIZED IMIDAZOLIUM: TFSI IONIC LIQUIDS” A MOLECULAR DYNAMICS STUDY”, G.D. Smith, O. Borodin, J.J. Magda, R.H. Boyd, Y. Wang, J.E. Bara, S. Miller, D.L. Gin, R.D. Noble, Phys Chemistry Chemical Phys 12, 7064-7076 (2010). Accepted,
(date unknown). J.J. Magda, H. El-Gendy, K. Oh, M.D. Deo, A. Montesi, R. Venkatesan, "Time-dependent rheology of a model waxy crude oil with relevance to gelled pipeline restart", Energy & Fuels 23, 1311-1315 (2009). Accepted,
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