All are welcome to an invited seminar by Terry Ring, Professor, Chemical Engineering, Adjunct Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, and Adjunct Professor, Metallurgical Engineering. The title is: “Crystalloluminescence – What’s That?” The seminar will be from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday August 27, in WEB L102. There will be light refreshments afterwards.
In studying the weaknesses in the classical nucleation theory, a new approach to nucleation has been developed that includes keeping track of all the cluster collisions as they build up larger clusters. Upon evaluation of the cluster energies as the clusters grow a surplus of energy is identified for structural transitions to ground state structures. The only possible way that a “transition” cluster can eliminate that energy without evaporating is to give off light – crystalloluminescence. Since the luminescence is associated with nucleation maybe a better term to use for this phenomenon is nucleatoluminescence. The light observed in crystalloluminescence consists of short flashes that are weak in intensity with unique wavelength signatures. Crystaloluminescence is a term coined by Schoenwald in 1786 and used in E. Newton Harvey’s 1957 book on Luminescence which reviews 30 crystalloluminescence articles. In Harvey’s book there is the statement “An understanding of crystalloluminescence in not too satisfactory at the present time.” From 1957 to 2000 only 20 articles have been published without improving the understanding of crystalloluminescence. The talk will finish with modern examples of crystalloluminescence.
Professor Ring modestly describes himself as follows on his web page (https://www.che.utah.edu/~ring/ )
“I was born in a small town in Upstate New York that still has less than 50 homes, studied at several universities in the USA and in England and became an educator that has taught and done research in the USA, China, Japan and Europe. My teaching covers a range from Colloidal Chemistry and Chemical Engineering to Materials Science and Engineering with an emphasis on fundamentals and process modeling.”