Five faculty members from the University of Utah’s College of Engineering are among 20 people campus-wide to be recognized by the university’s Career Services for its first annual Faculty Recognition Program.
The award is given to faculty who contribute to students’ career development and exploration. Nominations were made by students, and winners were selected for their dedication to help students find resources, guide their career paths and realize their potential. Career Services received more than 120 nominations for the awards.
Winners from the College of Engineering are:
Tony Butterfield, assistant professor (lecturer) in chemical engineering.
Ryan Bown, assistant professor (lecturer) in Entertainment Arts & Engineering.
Joel Harley, assistant professor in electrical and computer engineering.
Taylor Sparks, assistant professor in materials sciences and engineering.
Ashley Spear, assistant professor in mechanical engineering.
“With a campus of over 31,000 students, we recognize that our career coaching staff of 10 cannot possibly meet with every single one of these students multiple times, and for the majority of students, career conversations are not a one-time occurrence,” said Kelly Dries, associate director of Counseling Services & Operations at the U’s Career Services. “This is why one of our missions in Career Services is to foster a culture at the University of Utah where everyone is engaging in career conversations.”
The awardees will be honored during a breakfast March 4.