Information for Current Graduate Students

Graduate Handbook

The graduate handbook PDF contains all of the information you’ll need to ensure that you are making timely progress toward your degree. It is very important that you familiarize yourself with its contents.

Required Forms

Required forms and associated links are summarized below. Please pay close attention to form deadlines. Failure to submit forms by the deadline may delay graduation. Forms must be submitted by the deadline indicated in the table. Please contact Wanda Brown if you have any questions regarding these forms or our academic program in general.

FormDuePhDMS (coursework)MS (Thesis & Project)
Request for MS supervisory committeeEnd of second semester
Request for PhD supervisory committeeWithin 6 months of passing qualifying exam
Program of studyEnd of second year
Research proposal PDFEnd of second year
Milestone Masters Application (optional)When requirements are met, but by semester prior to graduation.
Application for graduationSemester prior to graduation
Final Exam (dissertation/thesis defense)With approval of dissertation/thesis
Supervisory committee approval of dissertation/thesisWith approval of dissertation/thesis
Final dissertation/thesis reading approvalAfter approval of dissertation/thesis



All students pursuing a graduate degree in Chemical Engineering must take the following core courses:

  • CH EN 6353  Graduate Fluid Mechanics (fall)
  • CH EN 6603  Mulitcomponent Mass Transfer (spring)

Students whose undergraduate degree is not in Chemical Engineering must also take the following core courses. (These courses can be taken as electives for students with a previous degree in Chemical Engineering.)

  • CH EN 6853  Graduate Thermodynamics (fall)
  • CH EN 6553  Graduate Chemical Reaction Engineering (spring)

Students should take these core courses during the first year they are in the graduate program.

In addition to the core courses, students must take several elective courses. (See the Graduate Handbook for information about the number of elective credit hours you must take, which depends on the degree you are pursuing and your previous degrees.) Graduate electives must be 6000 level or higher. Several graduate electives are offered by the Department of Chemical Engineering:

Fall Semester

  • CH EN 6153  Fundamentals of Combustion
  • CH EN 6158  Energy and Society
  • CH EN 6230  Bio Devices & Sensors
  • CH EN 6310  Renewable Energy
  • CH EN 6400  Advanced Engineering Analysis
  • CH EN 6555  Catalytic Engineering & Science
  • CH EN 6703  Advanced Numerical Methods
  • CH EN 6853  Graduate Thermodynamics (for those not required to take this as a core course)
  • CH EN 6960  Applied Atmospheric Modeling
  • CH EN 7703  Modeling/Validation UQ

Spring Semester

  • CH EN 6103  Biochemical Engineering
  • CH EN 6203  State Space Control
  • CH EN 6205  Smart Systems
  • CH EN 6305  Air Pollution Control
  • CH EN 6553  Graduate Chemical Reaction Engineering (for those not required to take this as a core coure)
  • CH EN 6810  Nanoscience
  • Other 6000- or 7000-level Engineering Courses (see below)

In addition to graduate-level courses offered through the Department of Chemical Engineering, graduate students can consider taking 6000- or 7000-level courses offered through other engineering departments and programs, as well as classes in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. See the course catalog for further information.

Students planning to take non-Chemical Engineering graduate courses for elective credit must have approval from their faculty advisor or supervisory committee.

Other Resources for Graduate Students

Graduate Advising

Feel free to reach out to our graduate advisors if you have questions about your graduate education. We encourage you to meet with Wanda Brown regularly to ensure that you are making progress toward your degree.

Profile picture of Wanda Brown with long curly brown hair wearing a blouse.

Wanda Brown


Kerry Kelly