The Department of Chemical Engineering recognized both academic and professional excellence at its annual Distinguished Alumni and Senior Awards Banquet.

After a welcome by department chair Eric Eddings, the Distinguished Alumni award was presented to Michael Stubblefield. Stubblefield is president and CEO of Avantor, a Fortune 500 company that provides more than 6 million different chemical and material products to a wide range of industries. With more than 13,500 associates in 180 countries, Avantor is a key player in the global fields of biopharma, healthcare, education, and advanced technology.
Stubblefield graduated with his Bachelors in Chemical Engineering from University of Utah in 1994, and since then has served in prominent positions at McKinsey & Company and Celanese Corporation. He now sits on Board of Directors of both Avantor and Ingersoll Rand Inc, as well as the Price College’s Engineering National Advisory Council.
While accepting the award, Stubblefield thanked the department for giving him his start in the field of chemical engineering, and for this recognition of his achievements.
Following Stubblefield’s remarks, the department’s Graduating Senior Awards were presented. These honors included the Oblad Medal of Excellence, offered to senior students whose scholastic performance exceeds that of their peers, and the prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program award.
Departmental faculty also conferred the Achievement, Leadership, Outstanding TA, Academic Achievement, Undergraduate Research and Outstanding Capstone Project awards. Additionally, students who took and passed the Fundamentals of Engineering Chemical Exam were recognized, as was an “Outstanding Senior” selected by the graduating class.