Professor Trujillo Elected Fellow of AIChE

Professor Edward Trujillo Professor Trujillo was recently elected a fellow of…

Wood Burning on Wasatch Front

Chemical Engineering research by Kerry Kelly and Geoff Silcox sparks discussion…

Reminder AIChE Dues Due Date

A friendly reminder to students that AIChE dues the deadline is coming up.…

Grad Seminar - Dr. Jost Wendt, "Black Carbon"

Dr. Jost Wendt Join us on October 2nd, 2013, as Dr. Jost Wendt, from our own…

AIChE Chapter Recognized as Outstanding Student Chapter for 2013

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers and the Student Chapters Committee…

Grad Seminar - Dr. Leonard Pease - Wed, Sept 18th

Dr. Leonard Pease Dr. Leonard Pease will be presenting his lecture on,…

Fall 2013 Undergraduate Seminar Schedule

August 27 - Seminar Info Dr. Jim Frandsen A Trip into You September 3 - Prof.…

New CH EN Course Offered Spring 2014

CH EN 5960/6960 – Special Topics in Chemical Process Safety, will start in the…

Prof. Daniel Crowl, W.W. Clyde Visiting Chair in College of Engineering

Professor Daniel Crowl The Department of Chemical Engineering at the University…

Grad Seminar - Dr. Kevin Whitty, Wed, Sept 11th, 2013

Our very own Dr. Kevin Whitty will be presenting his lecture on, "Papermaking…