Chemical Engineering faculty, students and staff celebrated with a picnic on April 25, 2014 at Reservoir Park . Despite the threat of rain, this year’s social event celebrated the end of another school year. Fun was had by all at this picnic where over 100 students, faculty and staff enjoyed pizza, ice cream, and stories from the year. Many others enjoyed activities like soccer and Frisbee and a few laughs. Katherine (Kat) Bell, who served as the AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers) Student Chapter President for the year said, “It was a very successful year, everyone pulled together as a team. I am very proud of our chapter, we really grew as a whole”. Ammon Orrock the newly appointed AIChE President expressed excitement for his new role and the upcoming year. The Chemical Engineering Department congratulates all of their graduates and their achievements.

“It was a very successful year, everyone pulled together as a team. I am very proud of our chapter, we really grew as a whole”.
Katherine (Kat) Bell, former, AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers) Student Chapter President